Rachel's kindle for mac
Rachel's kindle for mac


‘Old Corruption’ revived? Lessons from the Past Mark Knights | Published 30 June 2021īritain’s long and scandal-ridden struggle against ‘Old Corruption’, which prevailed for much of the seventeenth, eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, is instructive in the light of recent scandals concerning public appointments and public contracts. Recent reforms to the health service threaten the return of patronage-based appointments. The creation of the NHS Appointments Commission in 2001 by New Labour was an attempt to create a more rhobust system of selection and evaluation.

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Yet their appointment has posed a series of problems, and in the 1980s the process became politicised. Non-executive appointmentees the NHS have an important role as umpires when conflicts arise between clinicians and managers.


The vices of patronage for health services under reform Michael Lambert | Published 21 July 2021 An understanding of that wartime experience draws attention to lessons and warnings that are applicable today. Renewing the War on Waste Dr Henry Irving | Published 24 September 2021ĭEFRA's long-awaited awaited Environment Bill, currently passing through the final stages of Parliamentary scrutiny, echoes some of the initiatives implemented by the Ministry of Supply during the Second World War. The Soviet experience suggests that the stigmatisation of patients and criminalisation of disease transmission can disincentivise seeking treatment, impose barriers to accessing healthcare services, and contribute to rising rates of infection. Sex education materials classified STIs as antisocial illnesses that were contracted by people engaged in deviant or immoral behaviour. The transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) was criminalised in the Soviet Union. Criminalising Disease Transmission: Lessons from Soviet Approaches to Sexual Health Dr Siobhán Hearne | Published 01 October 2021

Rachel's kindle for mac